Story III-We were 50

Categorii Ficțiune
Autor(i) Marian Gavrilă
Editura Sfântul Ierarh Nicolae
ISBN ISBN 978-606-30-3742-9
Anul publicării 2021
Nr. pagini 248
Format Electronic
Nota 4.25 (4 voturi)
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The third story from a series of novels takes place on Terra Alternative 2812 in a shattered Europe at war with the Celestials. An extraterrestrial race capable of forcing humankind to the brink of extermination.


Read the story of the team of 50 men sent to stop the end of the world and their decisions that require sacrifice.


“Every victory takes something from a soldier even if he doesn’t know it. Every victory brings him closer to losing a friend or a brother. Every victory demands a sacrifice, but a sacrifice that he will not want to give anymore.”


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