Two Pieces of Highschool Drama

Categorii Teatru
Autor(i) Mihaela Rosu
Editura Sfântul Ierarh Nicolae
ISBN 978-606-30-4931-6
Anul publicării 2023
Format eBook Comercial
Nota 4.75 (4 voturi)
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Teaching foreign languages through theatrical performance has proven highly effective as it involves not only language in itself but it also improves significantly communication skills, encourages teamwork and builds up self confidence in young learners.

This book presents two 1-act plays perfectly fit for high school activities in terms of language, content and length.

The former-"Boadicea and the Wall" approaches the delicate issue of teaching British history from a fresh angle-enabling students to become familiar with it in an interactive manner. The succession of events has been deliberately messed up in a postmodern manner, increasing student awareness of the historical facts.

The latter drama piece-"Little Red Riding Hood" explores the connection between real life and the idea of learning in a parodic manner, using as a starting point a classical tale. The relationship between characters has been altered and elements of present day culture embedded-which makes it appealing to the teenage learner.

The book is an extremely useful interactive teaching tool especially for high school and advanced English classes.


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